

Based on the Indian system of predictive astrology, the calculations include planetary longitudes, Rasi and Navamsa charts, Dasa/Bhukti periods, Ashtavarga, Lords of Dasavarga, Bhava charts, etc. General predictions on marriage, education, fortune, special yogas, and the effects of dasa periods with detailed transit forecast for the immediate future are provided.

Models of reports: View sample
Full Horoscope with Forecast Basic Horoscope with Forecast Full Horoscope Basic Horoscope Single Page Horoscope


Based on the principles of Numerology, DigiTell gives a detailed analysis of one’s personality, the compatibility between the name number and the birth number with its effects on health, profession, marriage and fortune. DigiTell can be effectively utilised to name babies, houses and business firms as the compatibility between name number and birth number is instantly made available on screen. Chaldean system of calculating name numbers is adopted in DigiTell.

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GemFinder software recommends remedial gems based on the birth chart and planetary positions. General recommendations as well as direct remedies for specific illness and problems are prescribed. Gems are recommended for birth months as per the western system and for birth stars as per the Indian system. Even the ideal carat size, the metal on which the gem is to be set and the finger to wear it on are suggested.

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Based on the birth stars and the horoscopes, Soulmate gives a comprehensive analysis of the marriage compatibility of a couple. SoulMate software accepts the name, date of birth, birth star, planetary positions and dasa balance details of boys and girls. The compatibility is analysed based on the Birth Stars, Papasamya, Kujadosha and Dasasandhi. The analysis culminates in the clear-cut definition of compatibility and a reliable recommendation for marital relationship.

Models of reports: View sample
Compatibility Detailed Report Compatibility Summary Report


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